My Pets

I have always had a passion for animals ever since I was young, some of my earliest memories are capturing bugs in those little bug catcher kits you could buy at the dollar store. When I was young I would build little terrarium setups inside of shoe boxes making mini zoo enclosures for fun using dirt,rocks,sticks and grass I gathered outside. I remember coming home to a tortoise in a box that my mom somehow got for me and it running away from the front yard and trips to the exotic pet store wishing I could take some of the animals home with me but my father was very anti pet and never let me.Flash forward to my adult life and that passion for pets was reinvigorated and unrestricted, I began my exotic pet keeping with a Bearded Dragon and a leopard tortoise, which I kept breifly before I decided to join the military. When I was stationed in Hawaii, I was unable to keep pets once again and the exotic pet market was very limited on an island with strict rules to avoid invasive species.

After I got out of the military in 2020, I became consumed by the aquarium hobby and quickly found my self going from 1 large aquarium to 5 aquairums in my small 400 sq foot room in the house I was renting. I kept these aquariums for 2 years with a variety of fishes and without the permission of my landlord at the time. It was great until I had to move back home because my brother and roommate at the time passed away, logistically there was no way for me to move hundreds of gallons of aquairums with me. And so I rehomed all my fish at the local petstore and gave away and sold my tanks on the internet and effectively retired from the pet game, once again. I figured this was the end for my pet keeping days for a long while once again as I wasn't sure how long I planned to stay at the next location I was going to.

But as it turns out it was just the rebirth of an old passion, months after I returned home to a room I used to share with my brothers, I decided to get back into the reptile keeping hobby. I started off with one Crested Gecko named Billy, then came some poison dart frogs followed by 2 more geckos. Needless to say my room was turning into a small zoo and I truly enjoyed designing and building out the terrariums to house my new pets. For a while I just kept these 5 pets but then I got the itch again when my mom asked me to build her an aquairum for the dining room, which eventually ended up back in my room when my mom got tired of it. I still had some small aquariums sitting in my closet and I eventually set another one up to sit on my desk, to some people it might seem like a crazy amount of pets to have, but to me its my own little slice of nature and the exotic that I get to enjoy from the comfort of my own room.

my crested gecko Billy hanging out on a snake plant my Gargoyle Gecko Panchito hanging out on a 3d printed ledge my leopard gekco Grim posing for the camera my shrimp and snail planted tank on my desk my gargoyle gecko terrarium I built myself my crested gecko terrarium I built myself from an Ikea metal cabinet my Azureus poison dart frogs, rest in peace to one of them that escaped the terrarium and dried up.
Species Name how many do I own
Crested Gecko Billy 1
Leopard Gecko Grim 1
Gargoyle Gecko Panchito 1
Azureus poison dart frog unnamed 2
Mystery Snails Gold and black 2
Ghost shrimp too many to name 10